Honesty never pays

If you've been in a job for a while (like when you've lived in the same place) , you soon forget the horrors of job (or flat) hunting, and the deceit and self abasement that's involved. First there's the fact that you spend your whole time looking for a job, then as soon as you get one you wish you could have all those sweet, unemployed hours of freedom back.
Then there's the interview process. Despite having something to say on most subjects I actually hate talking about my 'career' to someone who has all the relevant details in front of them in the form of my CV; especially when they go through it line by line, and put a little tick everytime that you confirm that something on there is actually true.
Then comes the inevitable series of 'can you think of a time when...' questions (as in 'can you think of a time when you had to show intiative/ leadership/ flexibility/ feigned interest in a stupid question?'). I defy anyone to answer honestly and still get a job. And then the best one of all - 'What are your weaknesses?'. Just once, I would like to turn that question round and say 'I don't know but yours is obviously a total lack of imagination when thinking up interview questions'. [I'll see myself out....]
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